E’ uscito da qualche giorno il nuovo album dei Green Day intitolato: “21St Century Breakdown”

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Dopo vent’anni di carriera i Green Day celebrano l’uscita del loro ottavo album intitolato: “21St Century Breakdown.” Questo straordinario album della Band si divide in tre atti: “Heroes And Cons”, “Charlatans And Saints” e “Horseshoes and Grenades.” Il disco dei Green Day possiamo definilrlo una vera Rock Opera con un filo narrativo basato sulle vicende della giovane coppia Christian e Gloria. Ecco la lista dei brani dell’album dei Green Day.

La Tracklist:
1 – Song of the Century – Act I Heroes and Cons
2 – 21st Century Breakdown
3 – Know Your Enemy
4 – Viva La Gloria!
5 – Before the Lobotomy
6 – Christian’s Inferno
7 – Last Night on Earth
8 – East Jesus Nowhere – Act II Charlatans and Saints
9 – Peacemaker
10 – Last of the American Girls

11 – Murder City
12 – Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl)
13 – Restless Heart Syndrome
14 – Horseshoes and Handgrenades – Act III Horseshoes and Handgrenades
15 – The Static Age
16 – 21 Guns
17 – American Eulogy A) Mass Hysteria B) Modern World
18 – See the Light

Video Green Day – See The Light

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